Sunday 9 December 2007

A Mother's Love

I am greatly missing Sammie at the moment. As she is currently in foster care, I am only able to see her for 2 hours a week. Although I value every moment I can have with her, it does mean that in many ways I feel I do not know her as I used to. It is a strange feeling of loss - Sammie is still well and alive, but I have very little input into her life. There is one thing that will always remain though, and that is my love for Sammie.

Mary knew what it was like to lose a child. Because of this, I feel a connection with her. Losing Sammie to foster care and possibly adoption is not the same as what happened to Jesus, but it still hurts. Also, I take comfort in Mary also being both mine and Sammie's mother. There are many things I talk to her about- mostly about Sammie and what things are going on with her. Knowing she is there and that she loves me brings comfort while I go through this scary time.

I love Sammie more than anyone else on Earth, and would do anything for her. I hope to have her back soon, but if not, with the help of both God and Mary I will be able to cope. Soon will be the celebration of both Jesus' and Sammie's birth (she was born on 26th December) and I hope that I will be able to celebrate both of these days with her. If not, I just hope Sammie knows that whatever happens, I love her as only a mother can.

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